28 July 2011

The Worlds - Day 9 - Canceled

День отменен. Причина - дожди. Мы, правда, успели собрать аппараты и слететь. Удивительно, как 150 пилотов стартанули из 4х линий достаточно быстро без помощи всяких помощников и ассистентов. А потом так же дружно садились на одно поле.
Day canceled. Rain. We had enough time to set up our gliders and fly around a bit. It was amusing to see that all 150 pilots took off from four lines quite fast without any help of any assistants:) And then all together they were approaching to land on the same field:).

Один чел крутил аэробатику, и кинул парашют. Не знаю пока, кто, но говорят, что с ним все ок.
One of the pilots was making some aerobatics and had to throw his chute. I don't know yet who was that pilot, but I was told that everything is okay with him.

Это были все новости с фронта.
That's all the news from the frontline.

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