А свифты, кстати, полетали вчера свой таск! Буксировка форева! Правда им несильно легко пришлось: 79 км летели два часа. Но я с удовольствием протусовалась весь день на летном поле в окружении пилотов, аппаратов, зеленой травы и долгожданного солнца! И с удовольствием посмотрела как Манфред крутит петли на финише и как преданно следуют за ним другие пилоты на маршруте:)
By the way, the swifts flew a task yesterday! They have the advantage to launch with towing. The task was not that easy, actually: they flew only a 79 km task and it took two hours for them. I spent all day long on the airfield between pilots and gliders, on the green grass and under the warm sun with so much pleasure! And it was fun to watch how all the pilots were following Manfred on the course and how Manfred beat them all and made a victory loop above the goal:)
Интересная штука, что десять свифтов затягивались полтора часа двумя буксировщиками: один драгонфлай и один мотодельт. По пять штук на каждого. По 18-20 минут на каждого. Так долгооо, есть куда расти:)
Interesting moment: the two towing aircraft (dragonfly and trike) had been towing ten swifts for one and a half hours. There are five swifts for each towing aircraft. It takes 18-20 minutes for one swift. Quite slow... One could say, there is a lot of room to improve in this area:)
By the way, the swifts flew a task yesterday! They have the advantage to launch with towing. The task was not that easy, actually: they flew only a 79 km task and it took two hours for them. I spent all day long on the airfield between pilots and gliders, on the green grass and under the warm sun with so much pleasure! And it was fun to watch how all the pilots were following Manfred on the course and how Manfred beat them all and made a victory loop above the goal:)
Интересная штука, что десять свифтов затягивались полтора часа двумя буксировщиками: один драгонфлай и один мотодельт. По пять штук на каждого. По 18-20 минут на каждого. Так долгооо, есть куда расти:)
Interesting moment: the two towing aircraft (dragonfly and trike) had been towing ten swifts for one and a half hours. There are five swifts for each towing aircraft. It takes 18-20 minutes for one swift. Quite slow... One could say, there is a lot of room to improve in this area:)
Еще интересную штуку мне сказали, что в прошлом году на ПредМире (который и проводится по идее для тренировки и проверки организации для Мира), когда дельтики и жесткокрылы не летали ни одного таска, свифты разыграли три таска, потому что они буксировались и летали по долине, в то время как в горах старт был в дождях и грозах. Мне сейчас интересно, а не было бы лучше, зная это, пригнать сюда больше драгонфлаев и тележек и иметь возможность разыгрывать таски ВСЕМ, не только свифтам? Это же все таки Чемпионат Мира, не какой-нить национальный Чемпионат с маленьким бюджетом. Уж можно было бы и постараться, чтобы не сидеть тут без дела.
I was told about one other interesting thing: last year during the PreWorlds, when flexies and rigids didn't have any tasks, the swifts had three tasks, because they were towed and flew above the valley while in mountains there was rain or even thunderstorms. And now I am very curious: wouldn't it be better to invite a few tow pilots with their dragonflies to give the opportunity to Class 1 and Class 5 to have a task? Because it is still a World Championship, not just a little national championship with not that much money.
I was told about one other interesting thing: last year during the PreWorlds, when flexies and rigids didn't have any tasks, the swifts had three tasks, because they were towed and flew above the valley while in mountains there was rain or even thunderstorms. And now I am very curious: wouldn't it be better to invite a few tow pilots with their dragonflies to give the opportunity to Class 1 and Class 5 to have a task? Because it is still a World Championship, not just a little national championship with not that much money.
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