Выглядело это так:
Task 2. 132 km, 3 waypoints. The map:

Я никуда не улетела, поэтому и писать-то собственно лень:) Стартанула одной из последних (смотрела вперед на разбеге - уже хорошо, но пихнула ручку - плохо:). Нужно было пролететь одну беспосадочную зону по пути на первый ппм. И я испугалась. Беспосадочная зона выглядела сильно беспосадочной. Я решила сначала набрать мноооого высоты, чтоб увидеть впереди посадку. Долго-долго-долго висела то тут, то там, в одном потоке, в другом... Мало высоты, страшно и все тут. Большие цели требуют большого риска, говорят... В общем, так я туда и не полетела, перемахнула через хребет и села на финише, первая:) Без поворотников совсем:) Вот и шутите теперь со мной: "See you in goal, see you in goal":) Села зато хорошо. Вот несколько фоток наших, русских:)
I bombed out, so I'm not too motivated to describe this flight now:) I took off quite late (the good thing: I was looking straight ahead during the take off. The bad thing: I pushed out the basebar:). On the way to the first waypoint the terrain was unlandable, so I was afraid to fly there. I had decided to get very high and to fly only if I could see the landings ahead. I didn't get high enough. I had been trying very hard for a long time. They say, the great goals require the great risk... But I didn't want to risk. So, I flew directly to the goal (it was the nearest good landing field). So, now it is a bad joke: "See you in the goal":)) My landing was good.
There are some pictures of the Russian pilots
I bombed out, so I'm not too motivated to describe this flight now:) I took off quite late (the good thing: I was looking straight ahead during the take off. The bad thing: I pushed out the basebar:). On the way to the first waypoint the terrain was unlandable, so I was afraid to fly there. I had decided to get very high and to fly only if I could see the landings ahead. I didn't get high enough. I had been trying very hard for a long time. They say, the great goals require the great risk... But I didn't want to risk. So, I flew directly to the goal (it was the nearest good landing field). So, now it is a bad joke: "See you in the goal":)) My landing was good.
There are some pictures of the Russian pilots

Результаты ТУТ.
Results are here.
Опа, Мишин и Ковалёв там! Круто!
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Тебе тоже спортивных успехов, аппарат очень красивый!
Передам, обязательно:)