Надо было видеть возбужденные лица пилотов, когда с утра мы увидели наш таск борд:
That was a lot of fun to see the excited faces of the pilots, when they came to the morning briefing and saw our task board:
That was a lot of fun to see the excited faces of the pilots, when they came to the morning briefing and saw our task board:
318 км до знаменитого Хея. Триста восемнадцать! С попутным, но совсем не сильным ветерком. Триста восемндацать! Большинство пилотов никогда не летали так далеко. Все были взволнованы:) Мне понравилась шутка одного из пилотов: на замечание Джонни, что в районе финиша высокая антенна и "не заденьте ее на финишном глайде", пилот добавил "ага, в темноте". Да, на первый взгляд казалось, что если мы туда и прилетим, то после захода солнца:)
318 kilometers to well known Hay. Three hundred eighteen! With a tail wind, but not a strong one. Three hundred eighteen! Most of the pilots have never flown so far. All the pilots were excited, nervous and feverish:) I liked the joke one of the pilots made: when Jonny had mentioned that there is a high antenna on the way to the goal field and we should be careful and not hit it, that pilot had added: "yeah, in the dark". Yes, it really felt that if we ever made this goal, it will be after the sunset:)
318 kilometers to well known Hay. Three hundred eighteen! With a tail wind, but not a strong one. Three hundred eighteen! Most of the pilots have never flown so far. All the pilots were excited, nervous and feverish:) I liked the joke one of the pilots made: when Jonny had mentioned that there is a high antenna on the way to the goal field and we should be careful and not hit it, that pilot had added: "yeah, in the dark". Yes, it really felt that if we ever made this goal, it will be after the sunset:)
Старт был открыт раньше, чем обычно: в 11:45. Это я перед стартом. Тимоти и Ашанта желают удачи:)
The launch opened at 11:45 which is earlier than usual. Dolores took this photo of me before I took off. Timothy and Ashanta are wishing me good luck:)
The launch opened at 11:45 which is earlier than usual. Dolores took this photo of me before I took off. Timothy and Ashanta are wishing me good luck:)
База была поначалу невысокая: 1400 метров над аэродромом. Потом поднялась по маршруту. Ветер был попутный, но не сильный. Компео показывал от пяти до пятнадцати километров в час в спину, обычно десять. Облака были первую половину маршрута, дальше летели без облаков. Я летела и не верила, что смогу долететь:) Хотелось просто хотя бы побить рекорд прошлого года, когда мы пролетели в Форбсе 194 км.
The cloud base was not really that high in the beginning: only about 1400 meters above the airfield. Later it rose up to about 1800 meters. The wind was cooperative, but not very strong: my Compeo showed the wind five to fifteen kilometers per hour, usually around ten. There were clouds, but only during the first half of the flight. I was flying and doubting if I can make it:) I just wanted to beat my personal best which was 194 kilometers after the Forbes competition of 2010.
The cloud base was not really that high in the beginning: only about 1400 meters above the airfield. Later it rose up to about 1800 meters. The wind was cooperative, but not very strong: my Compeo showed the wind five to fifteen kilometers per hour, usually around ten. There were clouds, but only during the first half of the flight. I was flying and doubting if I can make it:) I just wanted to beat my personal best which was 194 kilometers after the Forbes competition of 2010.
Физически летелось тяжело. Морально очень хотелось долететь. Вдохновлял пример Юльки в прошлом году:)! Я летела в основном одна, но иногда встречались с кем-нить в потоке. Потом мы расходились во мнениях и разлетались. Забавно встречались с Джемми - постоянно разлетались, а потом снова встречались километров через двадцать. И она долетела до цели на своем мачтовом Лайтспорте!
Physically it was quite hard to fly for so long. Mentally I just really wanted to make goal. Also the example of Julia and her long flight in Forbes last year gave me an inspiration: that meant that everything is possible:)! I flew most of the time alone, but in the second part of the flight I often met a few pilots in the thermals. After thermaling together we flew off in different directions, lost each other, but later surprisingly met each other again. The pilot I met more often than anybody else was Jamie. We'd met now and then, off and on, and after the second time I was wondering when I will meet her again and really hoping that she is alright and managed to get up in that lift. And she made goal on her kingposted Litesport - she is a real hero!
Physically it was quite hard to fly for so long. Mentally I just really wanted to make goal. Also the example of Julia and her long flight in Forbes last year gave me an inspiration: that meant that everything is possible:)! I flew most of the time alone, but in the second part of the flight I often met a few pilots in the thermals. After thermaling together we flew off in different directions, lost each other, but later surprisingly met each other again. The pilot I met more often than anybody else was Jamie. We'd met now and then, off and on, and after the second time I was wondering when I will meet her again and really hoping that she is alright and managed to get up in that lift. And she made goal on her kingposted Litesport - she is a real hero!
И только когда я взяла второй поворотник в седьмом часу вечера и увидела, что до финиша осталось всего 60 км, я поняла, что я уже побила свои рекорды и что вообще-то вполне реально долететь до финиша. Это такой момент в воздухе, когда после сложного полета понимаешь, что долетишь до цели, когда хочется плакать от счастья:)
And only when I had passed the second turnpoint, which happened after 6 pm already, I realized that it is only sixty kilometers left to goal, which means that I have already made my personal best and also that it is really possible to make goal now. You know, it's these kind of moments, when after hard flight you realize that you are gonna make goal, that you want to cry from happiness:)
And only when I had passed the second turnpoint, which happened after 6 pm already, I realized that it is only sixty kilometers left to goal, which means that I have already made my personal best and also that it is really possible to make goal now. You know, it's these kind of moments, when after hard flight you realize that you are gonna make goal, that you want to cry from happiness:)
И долетела же ж:) ДОЛЕТЕЛА до Хея:)! С учетом того, что у первого поворотника был большой радиус, реальная пройденная дистанция 308 км.
And I made it:) I made this goal in Hay:)! The real distance we flew was 308 kilometers (because the fist turnpoint had 20 kilometers radius).
And I made it:) I made this goal in Hay:)! The real distance we flew was 308 kilometers (because the fist turnpoint had 20 kilometers radius).
308 км! Триста восемь:) Офигеть как круто:) Мне очень нравится цифра:) Летела с момента старта до момента посадки семь с половиной часов! Тоже мой рекорд:)
308 kilometers! Three hundred eight:) I am lost for words! That was a distance:)! I really like this number:) From the moment of launch to the moment of landing I flew for seven and a half hours, which is also my personal best:)
308 kilometers! Three hundred eight:) I am lost for words! That was a distance:)! I really like this number:) From the moment of launch to the moment of landing I flew for seven and a half hours, which is also my personal best:)
Это был самый длинный таск, когда-либо поставленный в Форбсе, и второй по длине таск в Австралии, и третий по длине таск в мире. 29 пилотов из 63 долетело до финиша. 29! Надо было видеть всех этих пилотов на финише. Невозможно было найти более счастливого места, чем финишное поле в Хее в тот момент:)
They said, that this task was the longest ever at Forbes, the 2nd longest ever in Australia, and the 3rd longest ever in the world. Better yet, 29 of the 60 participants in the Forbes Flatland Competion made goal! 29! You should have seen all those pilots:) There was no any other place in the world in that moment, where you would find more happiness than at the goal field in Hay:)
They said, that this task was the longest ever at Forbes, the 2nd longest ever in Australia, and the 3rd longest ever in the world. Better yet, 29 of the 60 participants in the Forbes Flatland Competion made goal! 29! You should have seen all those pilots:) There was no any other place in the world in that moment, where you would find more happiness than at the goal field in Hay:)
Мишка пролетел 254 километра! Тоже не хило, поздравляю:) Куча пилотов побили свои рекорды. Вики попросила отметится до доске, вот этот длинный список:
Michael flew 254 kilometers, which is also a lot! Many pilots set their personal bests. Vicki asked to write their names down. Here is this long long list:):
Michael flew 254 kilometers, which is also a lot! Many pilots set their personal bests. Vicki asked to write their names down. Here is this long long list:):
Таск выиграл Джонни, что принесло ему победу в этих соревнованиях. Заслужил! Результаты ЗДЕСЬ.
Jonny won the task, which brought him the victory. Well done! The results can be found HERE.
Jonny won the task, which brought him the victory. Well done! The results can be found HERE.
Да, очень очень хорошо в Форбсе! И очень хороший таск-комитет подобрали: Герольф, Аттила и Джонни. Они ставят самые крутые таски:)
Yeah, how good is Forbes! And we were really lucky with our amazing task committee: Gerolf, Attila and Jonny. They set the best tasks. Big thanks to you, guys!
Yeah, how good is Forbes! And we were really lucky with our amazing task committee: Gerolf, Attila and Jonny. They set the best tasks. Big thanks to you, guys!
So now you and Yulia have flown farther than ANY other Russian....and you both did it while flying to a goal! How cool is THAT.
ReplyDeleteYou were so adorable when you landed, crumpling exhausted to the ground the moment you took off your helmet and unzipped your harness, with hardly enough energy to look up as I congratulated you, barely able to even smile. But I saw your happiness, your contentment, and maybe even your pride. You did it!!
So cool. SOOO cool. Поздравляем
Спасибо, Юлька:) Спасибо, Timothy!
ReplyDeleteПоздравляю с личным рекордом!!! Это круть!!! Блин, аж не верится, что такое возможно!
ReplyDeleteЖека, молодец! 300 км - даже в голове не укладывается!
Спасибо:) У меня тоже не укладывается:)
ReplyDelete=D =D =D
ReplyDeleteПусть укладывается поудобнее в голове, а потом в других тасках применяется, чтобы долеталось и радовало! Как можно чащщщщще!
ReplyDeleteПоздравляю! Круто-круто!
ReplyDeleteЖенька ну ты даешь!!! Молодчина! Перечитала весь твой блог! ты просто умничка. Серединка)))
ReplyDeleteСпасибо, greg111:)
ReplyDeleteСередиииинккааааа!!!!!!!! Ты на связи:)! Как круто:) Вернусь в Челябинск - украду тебя к себе в гости:))
Женечка лучше я тебя украду))) У меня дочка 3 месяца. Приедешь в Челябинск, звони. Мой сотовый тот же. Забыла, назвали Катюшкой)))) Обязательно позвони, буду ждать. Я тебе в скайп свой скайп еще кинула.
ReplyDeleteДочка! Три месяца! Катюшка:)! Офигеть, поздравляю! Обязательно позвоню, как вернусь:)